Interview from HELL!

Aug 20, 2010 16:27

Massively miseried about an interview I have today because I *REALLY* want the job and just got the vibe from the guy who was doing the interviews that he was fishing for something that I just wasn't giving him >.< I dunno, it's bad enough not getting jobs I need but aren't keen on but for one that I need and desperately want, it's hard for my fragile ego/ motivation to get up and go again. I think that's the problem, I massively freaked out before hand and ended up probably looking a bit wild eyed and crazy and being continually fidgetty/ tripped by questions, not good :(

It also occurs to me I've been posting a lot of emo shit atm, I should try and do some purposely positive posts to counteract that or something. Ah well maybe a rewatch of Sherlock and attempting to draw Benny!Holmes for xarixian will cheer me up out of my funk

personal crap, interviews

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