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Apr 28, 2005 19:43

Brothers House <3*

Haha well Today is thursday and i haven't really been updatingg... :-/ Well yeaa of courseee nothing hass been happpening..

Toddayy .:.

1st Hour * Nothing went to the computer lab to play Dino Park or whatever.

2nd Hour * Nothing much happend..too many people were absent and all we did was talk and pick partners for our skitt tomorroww..

3rd Hour * Nothinggg...Talked cause no one was there.

4th Hour * Samee as 3rd Hourr

5th Hour * Played as always

7th Hour * Wrote our character wheel

8th Hourr * Did homework..and almost killed Josh for takingg my notte!!!!!

Then i went home with Berrtt :-* Haha then i went with Lauren to feed my Uncle Don's dog Krysttall :-* Then after i went back to my house to do my homework. Then Lauren came over for a feww and we called her lover. Then she left and <3 Perry <3 FINALLY called me back!!!! Lmfao. He got suspended. Ha Loserr :-P Thenn I came to my brothersss and ate dinner. And now i'm heree just hanging out. Well yeaa thatss all..I'll Updatee LaTeR ..

I Lovee You Perry :-************

x0x*_Kate <3
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