Jan 11, 2007 11:05
OK, I remember someone posting this meme last year. Basically, you post the first line or so of the first entry of every month in 2006. If the first entry is another quiz or anything, skip to the second entry. Here’s mine.
This is my schedule this semester, with a few things missing....haven't had a chance to get a tutorial for Poli 2XX3 and 2J03.
"There are even a few Sikh fellows in the House of Commons. Traditionally you couldn't wear a hat in the House of Commons. Of course, traditionally, only men sat in Parliment, until women became persons under the law. Traditionally, women were a man property like a couch, or a wrench, or a jar of pennies"--Rick Mercer
I've decided that when it comes to the Olympics Canada is really laid back.
I think it is going to be another warm day. Mum is coming for dinner tonight/today. She is bringing dessert. mmmmmm. She is not bringing the dogs. boooo.
AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Stupid F-ing ALLERGIES!!!!!!!!. I have been sniffling and my eyes are dry and slightly burning and they won't water...which pisses me off, because I *know* that would really really help. OOOOOYYYY
Ok, all my marks from last semester are finally up. Here they are
Wow, I haven't updated in a bit. Partially this is because I was at home since Sunday, just got back today, and my parents’ computer isn't working right now.
I bought a new bra on Saturday. Yay! I love it. I also bought four new shirts.
I've rediscovered my love affair with Smashing Pumpkins. Yay! I realize this is a completely pointless entry, but meh. Yay. No more working during the week! Yay! School on thursday! Yay! The Up in Smoke Cafe closed. Boo:(
I am having a crisis of hypocrisy.
Ok, so a quick update. Jill, Christina, Shauna, Sarah, and Christine, thank you for an AWESOME party last weekend.
Done! Done! Done! Done! I just finished my stats assignment, which means I am DONE all my assignments for the term. I am little worried. I found that stats assignment relatively easy....any thoughts? I don't know....don't care at this point. It's done. YAY!
Ok, so there it is. Apparently in October I was having a crisis, and May I had allergies. Typical year. No date Valentines day...I hate Valentine's day though, so it all works out. Anyway, I have class at 12:30, so Ta!