New moon review

Dec 31, 2009 16:26

Ok well i went to the midnight showing a while back and i couldn't hear much over screaming fangirls, mind you i was one of the screaming fan girls when jacob took his shirt off, yummy.

The opening credits of the moon reviling the title - Too long, it took around what felt like a minuite, yeah i know they are suppost to build suspence but seriously we get the picture its called new moon, now let us watch the film.

As i have read the books i did compare it quite a bit, some parts really annoyed me that they changed, for example adding in the emails to Alice, i don't know why but it just made me want to stand up and yell at the screen. Could have been a world first *DEATH BY FANGIRLS* haha, but apart from that and getting the ending wrong, i mean she was suppost to say no when he asked her to marry him not *gasp* and then it ended, i mean come on! It's suppost to end with Charlie being mad at her, therefor it leads into the next movie.

I know Victoria's head is suppost to be on fire, but no-one could be THAT ginga without committing suicide or being a clown, and when she was in the bushes it was like DISTRESS FLARE, HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE HER??

I do have to admit i was dissapointed that they missed out the part where Alice and Charlie have their little talk about Bella being all depressed and stuff while Bella was on the couch. But hey they made up for it adding in the factthat Bella got to slap a half naked Paul... mmm half naked paul.

Now that my bad stuff is out of the way, the good stuff.
The werewolves, nice. I did like the fact they were all goodlooking. But hey i'm a teenage girl. I did like how they all wore their tattoo with pride, i love tattoo's and having one myself it made me feel warm and fuzzy, it shows they are brothers through it all (maybe not half of the fourth book :P) and that's pretty cool.

Jacob, no shirt and hair cut. While walking in the rain *Screaming fan girls scream so loud it's heard downstairs* wow, now that is what a guy is suppost to look like. *rushes to cold shower*

The funny lines. "You're dating an older woman, that's hot" - Emmett made the whole cinema laugh, then again they would have all laughed if he had growled. "It would be nice not to want to kill you all the time" - Jasper. Death by Jasper, hell i don't mind one bit! He's mine.

Jasper's power - I did a happy dance when it was mentioned, you shouldn't under estimate Jasper. No no, mmmmmmm. Jasper.

Overall rating. 7/10

new moon

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