2015 Playlist Exchange

Mar 11, 2015 21:24

Okay, we've got more than ten people, let's do this.
Sign up to (a) get a song playlist from a person I will match to you and (b) give a songplaylist to a person I will match to you, based on prompts and preferences you both provide. The playlist should be at least thirty minutes long (no maximum), and may be "songs in a specific order" or "songs to be put on shuffle." You'll provide me with the songs (edit: by which I mean, the digital files) (and playlist order, if applicable) and then I'll distribute them to the recipient.
If you don't want to commit, but are interested by this idea, I'm asking people whether they give me permission to make their sign-ups public, in case a non-participant is inspired. You can find those here (I've put mine up as a demonstration). If you end up making a bonus playlist, email me (knepveu@steelypips.org) to let me know.
  • Sign up through Sunday, March 15.
  • Assignments out by Wednesday, March 18.
  • Playlists due by Wednesday, April 8.
  • Playlists distributed by Wednesday, April 15 (sooner if everyone has a playlist before then; I'm building in a week's grace in case pinch-hitters are needed).


Sign up at this Google Docs form. Comment here if you have questions (no DW account necessary to comment or to participate).
This is going to be so much fun, y'all. Thanks!

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music: playlist exchange

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