hey fannish Twitter & Tumblr people!

Mar 15, 2013 08:29

I am moderating a panel tomorrow on fannish migrations, the description for which is:
Online Fandom Migration
Sat 4:00 PM
As the center of fanfiction and other online creative fannish activity moved from individual websites to LiveJournal to AO3 to Tumblr, what changed about fannish culture? What if you don't like the new platform? Who is still hanging out on the old ones and why? And where is it going next?
Kate Nepveu (mod), Arthur D. Hlavaty, Joshua Kronengold, Ben Yalow

But I am not a fanfic writer, nor do I use Twitter much or Tumblr at all, and I suspect that my co-panelists are largely the same.

Since I hate panels that are about something completely different than their descriptions, talk to me! I hope to be able to recruit people at-con, but if not, at least I can bring in second-hand comments and ask for reactions, parallels, etc.?

(The move to AO3 I can talk about, I watched that and I use AO3 as a reader.)

I'm posting this to my little-used Twitter, but do feel free to post it on Tumblr-seriously, the only one I have is for Con or Bust-just please at least drop links here, so I can find the comments? *is aware of irony*

Thanks for helping me make this a better panel!

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cons: lunacon, cons, cons: lunacon: 2013, help me internets

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