oh sure we've conquered sexism

Sep 05, 2011 13:16

When non-winter infant and toddler girls' clothing [*] has, as a rough approximation, at least 33% less fabric than boys' clothing (because we require two and three year olds to gender-conform by showing skin!), and when I was able to find precisely two picture books, out of the thirty-odd displayed face out at my local B&N, that had female-identified humanoid-ish protagonists who weren't princesses and who did things.

(One of those was white. The other was a pig.)

Fuck systematic oppressions, I say. Fuck them with a goddamn chainsaw.

Also, recommendations for picture books, or anthology-type-things of fairy/folk tales (about 10 min./tale), that are not sporkworthy are highly welcome.

[*] Not that I am shopping for these at the moment, but it remains a massive irritant.

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race, books, rants, gender, parenting

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