Lambliff 101 Primer

Dec 03, 2009 06:27

So, some people are wondering (understatement) what the hell Lambliff's got that's making everyone flock to it like birds in October. All bullshit hatin' aside, it's a good question, I guess. So rather than write a long essay (which is what this started as I'm starting to think would have been a lot simpler fml), I figured I'd just illustrate the answer in a MEDIAspam. It's not only pics or gifs, but videos and transcriptions and links to other places.

It also (hopefully!) serves as a useful primer for newbies. Missed the beginning? Relive it here! Flist exploded and you're wondering what the dealio is with this Adam/Tommy nonsense? This is the place to find out! Why are so many people shipping/stanning it? Well, that's easy: because it's been fucking epic!

First, meet

He's been in about a bajillion bands, has definitely never been an English major, likes to tell his guy friends to suck his dick (among other things), and is "straight." (Uh-huh. Swinger or GTFO.) Got it? Okay, so the first stirrings of Lambliff began early last week (I think, maybe) with the leak of this band pic from the set of the music video:

Just ignore the hot nekkid lady. See Tommy looking like the cutest punk you ever did see. So maybe you're asking why this pic would set off shippy alarm bells. Well, Tommy is Adam's "type"--tiny and pretty and perfect. He's said that that's his type so it was never just speculation on our parts folks. Then just a little while later (a day, two at most) we got this pic:

Notice how Tommy's practically hanging off of Adam. Also each has a hand missing. It looks like Tommy's might be resting on Adam's ass (YES PLZ). This is when the speculation really began. (What? He's fucking gorgeous.) People started playfully toying with ship names (Atom, Ratbert, Tadam, Lambliff, Tombert, and a few others) But none of us could have even dreamed the epic that was about to go down on Adam lol Sunday, November 22, 2009 at the American Music Awards:

Hey, you know what happens when you split atoms? I don't, but this is what happened to the previously-miniscule Lambliff Fandom:

Amidst the shitstorm that has followed the AMA performance, we've had some other noteworthy Lambliffy moments. Monday, the group flew out to NY to tape the Late Show with David Letterman, and Tommy tweeted this pic:

Which, isn't really noteworthy in and of itself (except for being lulzy) but we'll get to the reason it REALLY REALLY REALLY IS in a moment. Hint: take note of the scarf, kay. So, moving on for the moment, Tuesday the FYE music video premiered,

image Click to view

from which we got this unf-unf-unf-worthy rubbing-and-butt-grabbing scene:

Yummy. Moving on to Wednesday, the 25th. Hey, remember the scarf Tommy was wearing? You do? On the Early Show Adam was wearing the same fucking scarf:

Of course we all noticed and flipped the fuck out. But how do we really know it was the same scarf? THIS JUST IN!--look at Tommy's neck in this pic from earlier that same morning:

FURTHER PROOF: Ninjas have also uncovered this pic of Adam from hell and ever ago:

Tommy was scarf.
Adam was scarf
WHAT THE SCARF????? Ha ha, I kid. Moving right along, The Early Show also gave us these delightful images (I was so impressed, I seriously thought about putting out):

And many mooooooore.

And here, because I love you, have more Tommy:

(Tommy pics, by the way, are ALWAYS relevant) Wednesday night was also the Michelle Collins interview, where Adam said Tommy was "a new friend" and "pretty" or here, watch it (it's hilarious):

image Click to view

Then Wednesday night, the David Letterman performance aired and we got Adam singing to Tommy:

which, OMG PRESH. And on the 26th, there was an interview on, the Canadian radio station. You should listen here, because it's epic, but the relevant part is transcribed below, thanks to the hard work of argeneau:

Adam - Velvet Goldmine is actually like one of my favourite movies and it's been a huge source of inspiration to me, for my whole thing, my whole persona. Urm, and, it, ya know, that, one of the quotes on there, my bass player who I kissed on stage, he and I share that love for that movie, and one of the first quotes that kinda, we were talking about from the movie is that Rock and Roll is a prositute, it has to be tarted up! It's a quote from the movie and it's kind of a interesting way of looking at it, it's supposed to be sexy. It's music, it's entertainment, it's supposed to make you feel stuff.

(Interviewer)Matt - I have to ask you, did the keyboard player...I mean, I know it may not have seemed like a premeditated thing, or anything that you'd thought about before but I had to have thought you'd have given him a heads up at such a crazy thing...

Adam - No, I mean, he, he and I, urm, he's, and the funny thing is he's straight...

Matt - Ooooooohhh....

Adam - I know, right? But he's a musician, he's very open minded and he's, we had talked about our love for that movie and just the themes that are in it, and during the video shoot, to which we did the weekend before, he was like "You can grab me and stuff, if you can do whatever you want man". And I was like "Really?", he's like "yeah" and I'm like "okayyyy" (both Adam/Matt start laughing) So I was just feeling it, in the moment when I was up on stage so I just grabbed him and I just made out with him.

Matt - What has he said about it since? Was he like, woah?

Adam - We walked off stage and he was just laughing, so hard.

Matt - Does he have a girlfriend or anything?

Adam - He doesn't have a girlfriend right now, no.

Matt - So, you see, what do you think about all, and this is kinda a obvious thing to gay men but straight people don't quite get it yet but, a lot of straight girls love a bit of guy on guy action and it's just so like denied in pop culture.

Adam - Yeah, and that's like what he was saying to me, like "Man, I just joined Twitter and all these girls are saying it was soooooo hot!".

(Yes it was, Adam. Yes it was.)

Newly added, for your and my entertainment, is a YouTube vid xxrimmelxx made with a voiceover of the interview set to some exceedingly hot images:

image Click to view

Everything was quiet for most of Friday, the 27th then late that night

And as if that wasn't fucking deadifying enough,

--double whammy:

(JSYK I'm in the Glitterbabies as the ship name! camp. *shrug* It's hook-y)

Today we got a nice pic of what was supposed to happen at the AMA's, that comes with tentative expectations hopes of a rehearsal vid to be leaked later:

And now we have more rehearsal stuffs:

Lots and lots more here

And, because they really are like Enzyte, a new tweet and pic from Our Boy Friday:

Is all of this blatant fanservice? Of course it is! Who gives a shit? Fanservice moar, I say. I wish every fandom I was ever in gave fanservice this good, because it has been the Hottest Thing Ever. (Probably I've even missed some of it and won't you please tell me what I've missed/forgot?)

These are old but newly analyzed. Witness:

Fabulous Vampire Adam

and mullet-Tommy, rockin' the Bowie-as-a-vampire look.

Now, if it had just been vampires maybe it could have been overlooked. Lots of people dress up as vampires. But they're both obviously dolled up as Glamourous Vampires I HATEHATEHATE THE WORD GLAMPIRE OKAY? Do any of you believe in coincidences? If you're like me and do not when it suits you then the only other explanation is that some cosmic force slammed these motherfuckers with an MFEO hammer. Can I get a mfy?



No matter which of these teams you're on, you all share a common ancestor: #TEAMADAMWASSCORNED. It's just the reason that people seem to be in ~disagreement about.

But wait a minute, what the fuck am I talking about? Why, the Ellen Degeneres Show performance, of course, which aired Tuesday Dec. 1st. Wherein Adam has a fistful of confidence, a sack-full of pride, and Tommy doesn't want any of it, for some reason or another. WTF, Enzyte AGAIN? STOP IT SELF!

image Click to view

(There is a .gif, but FailBucket is telling me it's too big and I'm pretty sure linking to the comm from outside the comm is against the rules. So, the scene I'm referring to is at about 2:37)

So what do you think? On the one hand Tommy's poker face is the best I've ever seen. On the other hand, he does dance shoulder to shoulder with Adam afterward #TEAMTOMMYWASSHY and you know it! I mean, what?

Do we overanalyze? You bet Tommy's your pretty little ass we do. But we're awesome at it so stfu. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

How can we resist? Even AfterElton ships it!


argeneau Many of these pics I have here are thanks to her dedicated stalking. She also transcribed the Xtra interview Thanks ninja lady!

Thanks to free2hate for making some very helpful suggestions. <3 you for them BB.

xxrimmelxx for creating the awesome voiceover vid of the Xtra interview and to atomic_dawn for directing me to it. Thank you lovelies!

clear_liquer contributed the old picture of Adam wearing The Scarf and a better The Early Show .gif. Thank you dear!

x_serenade for supplying he most recent photo of and tweet from Tommy concerning the Letterman antics. Thank you ma'am!

ninni1 for the HQ gif of the Ellen Show where Adam is Scorned. I am unable to use it however, due to FailBucket.

I linked (but did not hotlink!) to a couple public photobucket accounts, so lets not forget the love for them!

ETA 12/07/09: Ellen footage/gif added fianlly :/ Sorry about the wait!

This will be updated semi-regularly, as more stuff comes in. Check back once in a while for new stuff, I'll have an ETA with the date of the most recent update at the bottom, outside of the LJ cut.

adam lambert, lambliff, tommy joe ratliff, adam/tommy

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