Which Horrible Affliction are you?A Rum and Monkey disease. Lessee.... My life is utterly boring.
We've had an attack of spring fall decent weather, at least during the evenings, so I had the brilliant idea of putting lights out in the trees so I could read on the hammock. This took about two days, since when it was light out I couldn't tell whether they were working, and when it was dark enough to see that they weren't working I couldn't see to fix them. Even after trying 2 different extension cords and replacing many bulbs and fuses, I couldn't get more than two sections out of nine to light up, and these are the kind of lights that are supposed to stay on if one goes out. So bugger that. Instead I got the little lamp with the wraparound snakey thing to hold it up around the tree branch, and it is much brighter anyway. Now my only problem is that the wireless signal in the back yard is even horribler than indoors.
Also, in the latest news on The Internet Has Everything, I have downloaded the Star Wars Radio Drama, the entire thing, and plan to listen to the first movie's-worth tonight. A New Hope alone is 6.5 hours long, and the entire thing is like 15 hours long, or I would be a nerd and listen to the whole thing at once.