And in other news...

Sep 22, 2010 20:57

Eldest Daughter applied to one (1) college. Her grades have alwasy been excellent and her college entrance exam results were Very Good, but she hasn't been as involved in extra-curricular activities as her parents might wish (and based on what we've heard from college recruiters)

Our next-door neighbor works for the very college Eldest applied to, in the recruiting department. I have been torn between hoping she might be able to pull some strings to help Eldest's application along if needed and fear that, if Eldest's application was denied, there would be some awkwardness. Our neighbor (husband and wife) have been The Best Neighbors EverTM.

This evening our doorbell rang. As I went to answer the door, all I could see was some really tall person - I was sure it was some door-to-door home improvement sales pitch and opened the door with all the weariness such a pitch causes.

It was our next-door neighbor.

Holding up a sweatshirt from her college.

The one Eldest applied to.

My heart stopped.

She asked if Eldest was home. I said she was... and was tacky enough to ask if this meant what I hoped it meant.

It did.


I am now the mother of a college-bound child.


Now to figure out how to pay for it...
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