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Aug 28, 2008 03:59

Last two days I spent dying because of “Gantz”~~ Really, really awesome manga~~ I love it. Now I’m downloading anime too. Though after I watched first episode a few minutes ago, I can say a manga is better.
Kei is great. I really like the way how he changes himself during a first “fight”. How he “comes back” to a “real himself” like Kato says Kei was when he was a kid~~ His passion~~ ^^
But that situation have to be hard for him. Only he can be alive from the beginning to the end. Finally he finds people who see his as leader, who understand he does it many times before so he know what, how, why and where they must do. So amount of deaths is smaller~~
But… Gantz likes complicating. Kei loves Tae, so… He has a goal why he must survive. But… what does happens when his beloved goal is a next target?
“Gantz” is cruel. So much blood, pieces of bodies… But I love it. ^^
I know it has a moral, it isn’t only about killing, but… I have to think about it. Huh.
And I really don’t like one thing - the end. The last chapter. -.- It looks like it’s done too fast. Something like “I want to end this and don’t have to make this more~~” It’s annoying.
And… Eh, Kei~~ My sweet, lovely Kei~~ ;_;

And I want to know a name that blond guy who always has a cigarette!
It’s unfair that so many characters don’t have names. >.<

And if about anime - I really love opening.

And meme from nana-hikachan
I have to do something so I’m doing anything else.

Something about a choice ten boys who I like and why. Eh~~

1. Seto Koji
I don’t know how I found him almost year ago but I love him from that time. He’s really awesome. He has great voice and he looks great. I like a way how he does… hm, anything~~ ^u^

2. Shinya
He is awesome. I love the way how he plays percussion. I love looking at him. He’s my idol too. And he’s shy in a sweet way~~ ^^

3. G-Dragon or Kwon Ji Yong
When I really prefer second version. “G-Dragon” is too long and too complicated, I sometimes have a problem with pronouncing this when I’d have to do it suddenly. (So it’s the reason why I call him “Oćko”. This is easier.) When I saw him first time two week ago (Still It’s bakarashio’s fault~~ xP), he killed me. In PV of “Haru Haru” he looks so amazing. The eyes, the haircut… All~~ And it was the end~~ I see mainly him whenever I can~~ ^^

4. Yasuda Shota
Because he is sweet, amazing, awesome and evil~~ And he is himself~~ And he looks like he wants to look.

5. Hitsugi
Well… He is very… extraordinary… Yeah, it’s a good word. I really like the way how he is.

6. Sho
Because Sho is Sho and he’s sexy, good-looking and he seems to be childish. ^^ And because we should hug him so much because of Hikaru~~ ;_;

7. Key
I don’t know why I like him… Just~~ I like his voice, his appearance. He’s… hm… ah~~ I don’t have a word~~ ^^’’

8. Takeda Kohei
I love him in dramas. He’s great. I’m so pleased whenever I watch Kamen Rider Kiba and I see him as Otoya. Kyaah~~ Or he as Hayato~~ ^^ I even wanted to watch My boss my hero again for his small role (I don’t remember anything~~… And I watched only five episode in last year…), but… I’m not so desperate… Probably~~

9. Kohara Yuki
I like him since I watched a few episode Bokura no Yuuki ~Miman Toshi~. And a fact that he has a calm and usual live now is really annoying fot me. >.< I’d love to see him a drama, movie or something~~

10. Andro
My sweet, sweet, sweet ekhm Andro with his awesome voice~~ He kills me~~ And a chance that I’ll probably see him kills me even more~~

(Only because it’s so late and I should sleep now so I’m doing whatever xP :)

Something like describe your ekhm… like nana-hikachan said… ”dream date” (It’s funny in strange way for me~~ xD)

1. Eye color: whatever~~ Though I usually prefer brown~~;

2. hair color: still whatever~~ Though I still usually prefer dark colors~~;

3. Skinny, or fat: Hm… more skinny~~;

5. smart, not so smart: Hm… More smart than less~~;

6. funny, or not funny: Funny~~ Not funny one would kill me~~ xD;

7. Good or bad: Evil~~ ^^ … Or maybe good~~ I’m evil so maybe it’s enough~~ ^^;

8. Caring, or care free: Middle~~;

9. Boy or girl?: honestly - whatever~~ xD Though usually boy~~ ^^;

10. Treats you well: mhm;

11. Kind, or evil: better if usually kind~~ ^^’’;

12. Job, or no job: job~~;

13. Will listen, or Won’t listen: listen or really good pretend listening~~ ^u^;

14. Says love you every day, or doesn't: whatever~~ But if yes. then without expecting I’d say it many times too~~;

15. Is honest, or tells only important stuff: honest~~;

16. sensitive or not: more sensitive than less~~ Especially for me~~ ^^’’;

Eh? xP

… Almost 4 am >.< … Ok, I’ll go to a doctor tomorrow~~ I want to sleep~~ And it isn’t so important that I’ve been “going” for two weeks~~… As always, yeah~~
… And I was reading instead of recording CDs~~ Szlag! >.<
... But... Gekiranger, wait for me~! +goes to watch+

meme, gantz

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