
May 05, 2008 23:26

I've seen Shounen Club.

It was terrible. xP Only beginning and end of that - already I've known it. And I was right. xP
Where did I have to see? Who did I have to look at? ... Just it was a kindergarten. >.< Taisuke and Hiromitsu was kindergarten attendants. xP >.< ... But, well, I've seen. And I stil don't know why. Because I watch Shounen Club for Takashi. Only. ^^ ... So... Eh. But I like Yuma more than before. And I like Hiromitsu more and more. xP He has so lovely, sekushi voice when he sing or, Oh my Godness~~!, he speak~~ (*U*) ... ^^'' Ne? ^^

Now I'm watching hm... "Hey!Say! JUMP Debut & First Concert Ikinari! In Tokyo"... This tittle is little long. ^^''... I'm not able to remember it. If, of course, I would like to. But I needn't. xD
It's pretty. I like it. ^^
And his sword~~
"His"... Well. xP~~

And his fingers~~ Kyaaah~~ (*U*)~~
Huh, whole~~
+dead Kate+
Why is he so sekushi~~? ^^
+even more dead Kate+

Huh, pedophilia? xP~~ "No pedo" like Eru often says. But probably only says. xP~~

Oh, I know. I shouldn't. I don't say in this way. But... LOOOOOOOOOL~!

... Wtf? o.O ... Yuma's and Ryousuke's outfits... They have to be clowns? Something? -.-''

Kindergarten? Again? >.< xP ... Why?... Heh, specially for that song. xP

Buahahaah, it makes me to laugh~~ xD And Hiro looks~~ Curious? xD (But what? xD) ^^
Flyyy~~ ^^~~

I'm really curious... Because I don't know/remember... Who is this? ^^

Kakkoii~~ ^^ Ha~! xP~~

Boredom? Again? Still? ^^... Kyah, it's so sweet. ^^~~ ... xP~~

Those outfit~~... Again... Why~~?... It's terrible. xP ... Buahahahahah~~ ^^

... I want to do these... And many others, well. ^^''... Takashi~~! (*U*)~~
I had to watch that. Though just for him. xP'' +obsession mode on+

But why I still want more? xP~~

Btw, Eru... Now~~ Only now~~ xP I don't want "in the future" or something... I want now... It'll be great~~ ^^... Poor Eru~~ xP

something like picspam? xp, i don't like last sc (too less takashi), others xp

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