
Mar 15, 2008 21:30

The positive reflection for beginning:
... I hate kids. All.
Always when I must to go to my sister's school, I know it more and more.
When somebody is less than fifteen, then this somebody makes me angry.
They run, scream, laugh. Everywhere. Always.
It's annoying.
And I become annoyed very fast.
And my sister is almost eight, so... She makes me angry too.
I didn't want a sister. I prefered to be alone. Without any siblings.
But nevermind. Too late. Eh... Ne? xP

I was in my grandmother's house two days ago. It was really interested. I had a fun. ^^
Because there was my cousin too. Her sister go somewhere, so only I and A. (xP) was as "young people". xP
So list looks like that: kids (one), "young people" (two), "less young people" (a few +thinks+... four ^^''). And "less young people" like "Somebodies who have own kids". Because I and A. don't have offspring (and thank you, God~~!). And we don't want. xP (ok, if about me... The exception excists. Ne? xP)
Huh, I had a really fun. We talked, we made my sister angry ("Your boyfriend left you?" or "You'll marry this guy from cover[of her book ^^]?") or we "captured" a tile in my grandmother's kitchen (01, 02; this inscription: "Aga and Kasia (so A. and I in polish version xP) | a private property" xP). Ekhm... We invented anything. Because we didn't want to be bored. And we weren't . ^o^ ... We even flirted. xP''

And, of course, today:
I had to go to shops. Ok, many purchases...
For example:
something like "polish sausage" (I don't eat it. >.<)
I really can't shop. And I really can't buy such things.
>>"A Lady In Shop": Raw?
Kate: Yes...<<
Raw... This sausage could be not raw? Or raw? I don't know it. But... Ok.
After I wasn't better. Asks like "How?"... And my answers "Eh?... Those." But I really dind't know anything. I chose what looked "good". ^^'''''

I must...
Kanjani8~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *0*
+dead Kate+
Why are they so awesome? Always~~
Huh - just too awesome. ^0^
Again - too awesome. This performance in Music Station. "Wahhahha" is awesome, too... Well, all is awesome. xP
Ne~~? ^O^
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