Feb 28, 2004 01:23
hmmm tonight was very interesting. hung out with paul. got food, rented a movie but the movie wasnt too great. so we basically just chilled and paid hardly ne attention to the movie. it was def a good time tho. on the ride home from his house, there was this real jerkoff in front of me i thought i was gunna explode. i dunno if they werent from the area or just lack plain common sense! i was behind this dumb chik as we were approaching a green light she just fukin stops...n im like ok wuts the deal, green light means go idiot, i beep my horn, she just stays there. n im like beepin n shes not goin, so she starts movin alil bit...stops right in the middle of the intersection n then the damn light turns red..n then she decides to put her left blinker on. wut a friggin idiot. ive never seen sum1 act so stupid while driving. man i felt like rollin down my window and explaining to her that at an intersection with a green light the right procedure is to GO. people surprise me with how stupid they are sumtimes, man. neways today in skool was ok. didnt really do much, just like ne other day. mary came home today which is awesome, i miss my big sis. im glad shes back. i was supposed to go up to see her a couple of weekends a go but things n people got in the way so it never happened. so finally now i get to hang out wit my mary yey. its been long enuff.
im tired...no more writin tonight. gnite