Last week the New England Chapter of the Linden Hall Alumnae had an informative chat with the Dean of Academics at Linden Hall School. He shared about the classes the students are currently taking that include lots of college classes and others that interest them that are currently not being offered and they and they have made arrangements to get it done.
I found that interesting but something that concerned me was Katherine’s comment that we are still not getting enough people to join the New England chapter. SHe is afraid we may not be continuing and that would be terrible.
This kickstarted me to contact Denise B from class of 1982 and see if she would be interested in helping the chapter. I am not sure if she is though and maybe it will kickstart me into maybe contacting others in the state.
A few days later we received a thank you from the school for sponsoring Mt Gretna day. I was unable to Contribute but there apparently was a substantial amount collected. Mt Gretna Day is a day the entire School takes off in the fall and goes to a town (MT Gretna) that has fun things to do. Skating, Food, games etc. My memories are hazy now but I do remember some things and I am glad we went.
Katherine sent out email invitations for the final in person luncheon for the year. Its up in Concord New Hampshire at the
common man and these are the dates:
Saturday, November 11
Sunday, November 12
Wednesday, November 14
Saturday, December 9
Sunday, December 10
Wednesday, December 14
Unfortunately none of these dates work for me so I have already sent my regrets. Why you ask? THe 11th is the celebration of Life for my coworker Denise. Wednesdays I work. I have meet ups the following week and its too close to other things I need to do here in the state.
I hope to kept being active in the group. My hope also is that others join.