Last week we learned that two of our Senior Leadership people have departed. They are COO and CAO. One we barely saw if at all through monthly meetings and the CAO came in almost weekly. We have been assured that’s the only change going on. I had learned at the committee meeting on Wednesday, but various departments found out the week before. By the time the week ended everyone knew.
The union is pushing the Local 33 action that’s happening this thursday. I contacted my people at least twice (I am not going to take them by the hand and lead them there).. The weekly SP committee was canceled because EV has a meeting with
DR. McGovern. I look forward to meeting her in person.
Tania finished working on the refunds that she was asked to work on and she finished the mail that arrived today and I finished most of Fridays. I just have to scan stuff out and then I can work on the CD upload.
Yes I said CD upload. Mustafa is out this week until tomorrow and his boss asked me to do them. OF course GA asked me about (she thought she did something wrong and I explained to her that I was doing them because the boss asked me too. She said is it priority and I told her I arranged to do it in the afternoon after the mail is done.
AC came back this week. She has been trying to catch up with things. I am wondering when she is going to train TD on scanning. I am just wondering but I realize it's not my job. AC is planning on training TD on scanning as soon as she is given access to the necessary equipment.
On Thursday the 12th Guardian ANgel became Gargoyle. She was preparing for a huge meeting for finance and she was trying to help us. Somehow (and I swear all I said was she is stressed out) she believed I was badmouthing her. The others have said don’t worry about it.
Supervisor had to send me an email asking me not to wave at people while they are in Zoom. Everyone saw me. I have no idea what got into me. He was forgiving, that's for sure. He asked me if I would be needing help from Tania and I told him no. She is trying to do a lot with refunds.