Today is the federal holiday that honors Dr. Martin Luther King JR and all his accomplishments. I recently found out that Connecticut started recognize the holiday in 1973.
In 1990 Yale at the encouragement of the Black Students league asked them to recognize the civil rights leader. AT first it was an hour service and subsequently it became day off for all employees and staff, and students. I know the union is inviting us to a service at 5:30 but I am not attending (it’s via zoom) I have my session with Debra.
Liz once again asked me if I was working today. I told her no (we had this conversation on Friday). I was about ready to scream when she asked. Imagining what she could be thinking and writing. Yes I am beginning to think she is taking notes to confirm or prove to her that I am abusing the time.
I spent the late morning cleaning the bedroom, living room, and did the laundry. I had watched TV for a little while. I even opened the windows and unfortunately broke the ledge.
When I realized that the service appointment I made Friday didn’t take so I called this morning. I managed to get one for 2 pm today. At first it was going to be just the oil change but as the time went through there is a
Serpentine belt. They said it can cost $200. There were also coolants and that’s going to cost more. The car was finished sometime after 3 and it came to about $220. I will have the coolants done the next time.
Before leaving for home I got messages from Liz wanting to come by with some furniture covers to put on the furniture. So I am going to go home and have a snack and wait for Liz.