Yesterday afternoon Liz called me with news. Cheryl made a bid/offer of $250, 000 on the condo and it was rejected. Lawyer suggested making it $255,000 and it was accepted!! Liz says there is much legwork, paperwork that Cheryl needs to do. All that’s left for me is to weed through the closet, move certain things around to the packing area and get rid of any other papers around, and of course pack the kitchen, and she said keep the house up.
I was so happy and excited that I wanted to shout it at the top of the tallest cabinet in the office but Liz's infinite wisdom tells me not to share yet. Well if you have been following me, or know me long enough you know that didn’t happen. I shared it with several at work and via text to the amigos this morning. I shared it with the girls at the meetup last night. I sent word to Dave and Jim (brother), and I called Mama last night.
I had a great time at the meetup. I was the first one there and noticed our spot was closed off for their pumpkin patch so I sent a message to the group letting them know. I didn’t realize I left the car door open! Eventually five more came. We spent the next two hours talking. Rose’s closed at 6:30 and turned off the lights but luckily Gillion brought a very bright lantern so we stayed until it got cold. By then it was just Gillion, Paula and myself. It was also foggy. It really looked like a scary Halloween night.
As I drove home I called Mama and told her about the condo and things in general. I also got caught in traffic. There was an accident so Waze told me to get off at an earlier exit. I ended up going along through West Haven I haven’t been in awhile. So many thoughts went through my it will be even a longer time before I come through here again once I move.
It was nearly 9 when I got home I finished putting the garbage out to the curb and then got showered and had some tea and went to bed. I slept in the bed instead of downstairs because it was a little too chilly for me. Sky came up for a while, he literally bounced up and then sat on top of the dresser and then came back and curled up for a few hours.
This morning was our regular routine. They were both waiting downstairs for me and so I fed them and relaxed and then started the day.
I left normal time and made it here in good time. IT was starting to rain as I was driving and hadn't stopped since. It's supposed to rain until tomorrow afternoon.
Liz got a new car, a white Honda Fit. She is picking it up Friday. It looks gorgeous.I can’t wait to ride in it. Her other one was melting. Long story.
You know I haven’t been able to focus much today. THere wasn’t that much mail yet and I barely got the scanning done.
I was hoping to go to Wal*Mart this afternoon and get the swiffer wet/dry mop kit. I am not ordering it from them because it costs too much right now for delivery.
I am also supposed to do some phone banking this afternoon for the union/politcal stuff. I hope I can do seems to be slightly different than what we do here in Town but not by much. Unfortunately by the time I got home I was too tired and cold.
So I made dinner and updated files. Tried to organize all my documents and files on the laptop. That may be an exercise futility because the laptop has been acting weird lately.
I watched TOH tonight on CPTV spirit channel. For some reason for the past couple of weeks it was blacked out from my system (I am wondering if I inadvertently blocked it) and just last week it was working right. So tonight the show goes back to working on a Queen’s Ann project they started just as the pandemic came through. For several weeks now they have been doing a culmination of projects they have done over the years featuring kitchens, landscaping and various things that go along with restoring homes. It was really great. I am wondering if people in the town wrote or blogged about it. I wonder what the cast and crew did during the pandemic.
Well it's time for me to go to bed....