1. I am thankful for family warts and all. I have been invited to my sister’s for Thanksgiving next month and a post-Thanksgiving dinner with Jim the weekend after the holiday. I don’t know about you but I remember a number of years that Mom and I had been invited to a few places for the holidays like that.
2. I am thankful for the kitties. They have recovered from the latest indignity of being put in crates and had their freedom curtailed for a few hours. I am hoping now they won’t be going into them again until we move.
3. I am thankful for my job. Busy. Every day the additional steps in Scanning have been coming into the routine. I haven’t done them myself but AC showed them to me before I left Tuesday.
The union is scheduling EPM’s with staff members and the management at least in YM. DK will be handling the scheduling.
4. I am thankful for the medical profession that keeps me on the road to good/better health. I see Dr. Sonia next week. I got a refund from the Eye Dr. That is a nice windfall.
5. I am thankful for my home. I have been keeping it up since the house has been on the market. We had the appraiser earlier this week. We should get the decision in the next couple of days.
6. I am thankful for my friends. I didn’t make it to Madison this week but I will next week. I talked with Mama a few days ago. She and Papa are doing well. It’s almost time for me to call her with the house update.
I am going to send another email to Dr. T. to see how she is doing.
7. I am thankful for my neighbors. Everyone is fine
8. I am thankful for the organizations I belong to. Ladies guild has something coming up next month. I keep looking for notifications and updates in the bulletin but nothing yet.
9. I am thankful for the weather. It’s been chilly in the morning and as warm as the 60s this week. There has been very little to no rain. As I mentioned yesterday we may get some rain next week.
10. I am thankful for those who choose to protect and serve our country. Enough said.
11. I am thankful for those who are in the healthcare caring for those who have been affected by this Virus.