Well another week has started and my hope is to get to the places I didn’t get to yesterday. By the afternoon I got tired and didn’t do very much except watch TV, and do some cooking for dinner.
The argument between my cousins dissipated after a discussion and a few comments from other cousins about respecting opinions. Another major family war averted. Until someone opens their mouth and disrespects someone
I was just thinking back to some of the things Liz and I talked about that raised concern for me. First of all I realize I should have kept my mouth shut about keeping up with the meds(for the lupus) because she reminded me that if I didn’t it could lead to someone questioning my competency, and have my rights and home taken from. Is this her way of saying that she would do that? This is why I don’t want her to become trustee if the lawyer decides he doesn’t want or can’t to be the trustee when he moves.
I discovered that cicada I mentioned on Saturday was not a cicada but a piece of mulch that must have been shot from the guys machines on Friday. It never moved and I even had down the street neighbor look at it. Unfortunately there is a large hole in the screen so I have to repair with tape.
I also had to put potting soil in a hole by the foundation towards the back end of the house. I knew it wasn’t going to last long because I looked at it this morning and whatever got in (I am guessing Bucky beaver) dug the dirt out. I have another bag of potting soil that I will try again with but I am not sure what else to do.
My plan this morning was to get out early and go for a walk. Then get to the Goodwill and do a few more things. I haven’t done that yet. I will.
This afternoon I will make those calls for the union and then get to the letters to my pals.