Haven't gotten much sleep

May 21, 2020 16:40

The last few days I haven’t gotten much sleep. I have been having a hard time with the breathing (as though someone is standing on my larynx or on the area below my neck. If I exert myself it is hard to breath and every so often if I yawn, or burb it feels like my lower part of my lung flutters and it sends a pain up my chest. Yesterday I looked up something that I found on the “after visit summary” when I saw the Pulmonary doctor on Monday. I knew there has been an issue with the lung (after the biopsy I had a few years ago). It’s called The Interstitial lung disease and something about lung nodule. Well I read the life expectancy and that really didn’t help my sleep at all last night. I do admit I seem to be feeling a little better tonight.  Then I move or yawn or do something that makes it hurt.  I took my normal prednisone and the plaquenil that’s for the lupus and the low dose aspirin I have been moving slowly around the house and when I am out.

I went for a walk yesterday but didn’t go as long as my other walks did. I don’t think I went Monday. I am supposed to have a breathing test in October so hopefully it will show up in the report.

So Wednesday was the last day of Stay at home order in the state. While many things are beginning to open some activities are being cancelled like the annual Milford Memorial Day Parade. The parade and subsequent Activities would have been held this Sunday. It was announced yesterday that the Annual Oyster festival Held in August has also been cancelled.

The city sent out a city wide alert to remind residents that the beaches and shoreline parking are restricted to residents only and to follow the enhance safety measure and requirements special between blankets of 15 feet and that swimming is at the swimmer’s risk.

Even though I have had the breathing problems I participated in a birthday parade for Sis’s friend Andrea. It wasn’t long but I was hoping the video would be posted by now. It hasn’t been.

I told Nurse Nida about the breathing and the pain in the chest. She wants me to call the doctor. I will this afternoon.

It seems yahoo has changed again and I don’t have access to the mail from the computer but from the phone I do. I was able to access my cell phone site and changed the email to where I can get the bills. I am changing all the sites that used my yahoo email account. Most of them seem okay to change and others are linked to fb.

I did re list with Penpalsnow.com and already had two men ask to be pals. After the first one contacted me I modified the ad to not include men or prisoners.

Good News the laptop battery has been shipped and is in transit. It should be here by the weekend. I had a feeling I wasn’t going to get it on Monday.

The kitties canned food should be coming again next week and more litter probably the weekend. Somehow Sky got up in to the attic. Silly kitty!

corona virus, health, quarantine

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