Yesterday was absolutely awesome! I got Daimian’s home a little after 1:30 as many others were as well. We spent the afternoon talking about everything. Including Condo’s, and history of the holocaust and how some movies and TV shows take liberties with historical moments such as the Nazi Occupation. We also touched on certain situations that happened early in the history of the group. For those who didn’t know about it. There were so many other conversations. We also celebrated Paula’s birthday.(it actually .was on Friday so I need to update the birthday list).
There was s variety of delectable foods. I tried so hard to be good. I had the salad and fruit salad unfortunately; I had a piece of cake and biscotti, and candy. I was feeling guilty. I thought I would be so prepared. I had had some nuts and protein drink before leaving for the meetup.
The meetup started breaking up after 2 and I was home by 3:30. I stopped and talked with another member named Rita who I just met that day. We talked about meetups in general. I was home by 3:30 and the kitties were waiting on me.
I had about 2 hours before I had to leave for the second meetup of the evening. I did some laundry, made a dinner of steak (even though I wasn’t hungry). I eventually fed the cats and got ready for the trip to Ivoryton Playhouse.
When I left the sun was just going down and made the ride a really awesome. The temperatures were in the mid 40’s well until after night fall. The traffic wasn’t bad and as I approached Ivoryton there the roads were getting very hilly, and dark and beautiful. Yet it got unnerving because I wasn’t sure if Bambi or his family would jump out.
I arrived to the theater and d the area was absolutely beautiful. I ended up parking in a park down the street from the theater and walked to the theater. I was early and as the time of the play approached many people were arriving. I met Red and she was wonderful.
We were able to get seats closer to the stage. The Ivoryton Playhouse was very intimate and fun. We sat down in our seats and Red brought me some water. We chatted and for the next hour and half we watched two plays. This event was basically a rehearsal to see how the potential audience would like it. They read from their scripts. Some of it was awkward but some of it was fun and probably supposed to be awkward. There was a panel afterwards. There was a reception in the foyer afterwards but we took the time to look around at the pictures of all the actors who performed at the theater. It was fun telling Red how many I recognized.
We went to the restaurant down the street from the theater where we talked for another hour with coffee and hot chocolate. Eventually a group of firefighters and their wives and significant others came in to celebrate someone getting Firefighter of the year. It was so cool.
It was nearly 11 when we said goodbye to each other and I headed home. It was midnight by the time I got home.
I did a few things and then got into bed.
This morning I was going to go up and look at the things I wanted to put on Market place on FB but I discovered Joan S is having a walk at 9:30. So of course I am going. I may still go to the gym for class it depends on how much time I have.
I have bingo this afternoon and I am going to have to the house cleaning this week as Livia is on vacation. I have known about it since midweek.
Well I need to say good morning to some siblings so I will talk later….