Well Sunday was an absolutely Lazy day. I spent theMorning sleeping or on the computer. The afternoon was spent on commenting on blogs and doing crossword puzzles. Late in the day I decided to finish the laundry, and emptied out some pockets of space that I know can be thrown out.
aRound 6 I went and did grocery shopping in record time. I got everything I wanted and a few extra things I didn’t think of until I was there. Managed to spend under $200. I was home about 30 minutes later. I like that alot.
As i was emptying the car I saw next door and told them when the garage needs to be cleared out. He asked if it could be by Saturday and I agreed. He showed me all the prep stuff that he is doing for his new shelter. He also told me the things that are in the garage I will need to handle there is a propane tank and a few other things that need to be out in Bulk trash.
I had my phone session with Debra just after 7.. We talked about the move and feelings I am experiencing. Between the excitement of the prospect in moving and the sense of being overwhelmed with all that it will take to get going on it.
I saw one of the neighbor Chris’s and told him the news as well. He gave me some great tips. He also suggested i tell neighbor Kim. to let them know for their in-laws. I will tell them later this week.
AFter my session with Debra i had a late dinner of steak. The kitties occupied their time with going into the cellar a few times. I had to get them a couple of times. I moved some of the laundry around. They got the lazy thing going for them as well.
I tried to go to sleep at 10 and had the lights off and sky joined me but I really don’t think I have been asleep yet. I did actually get tiger to come up for a little bit but she is back downstairs.
Several hours have passed now and I managed to get very little sleep and a very scary nightmare I was at this complex (hotel like) and I had sky with me and somehow I lost him and found him again. OF course I was relieved when I woke up to find him trying to wake me up.
I stayed in bed until after 5:30 I got up did our normal routine. When I realized it was 6:30 I was rushing around. I managed to get some things upstairs for Livia. I asked her last night if she was coming to clean.
I was able to leave the house in good time but forgot a few things in the process. My coffee mug, and my protein shaker. I also brought my gym clothes. Now that I think of it, I have to go back home and get my sneakers before I go to the gym.
I had to call the vet to write a prescription for the dietary canned food for the cats. Unreal. I ordered it during the weekend and is now held up until this is done. Great.
I just received a DM from a friend’s daughter who is gathering memories from her Mom’s friends and family for the Mother’s 50th birthday. I jumped at the opportunity. I have to check in at a website to give my memory. It should be fun.
THe morning itself has flown by. AC has returned from her vacation and is catching up with her work. WHile I get the scanning done. Supervisor isn’t here today but everyone else is. Its fairly quiet in the department.
After my gym class I am going home and straight to bed.