This morning I got an email from Sis about
blind date that went horribly wrong. Of course a few days ago I went online searching for articles about personal experiences people may have had with and they were positive ones. I also talked with a neighbor who uses and she has positive experiences. I sense this will be a continuing battle. I am trying hard to respect her views and to follow the assertiveness steps I found the other day. OF course if you heard me this morning you would think I wasn’t doing it very well.
To make it worse my ankle and heel were acting up and if I moved in any direction it would hurt even more. My reaction to it may have inflamed the feelings I already was having. So the ankle and heel have been a challenge to walk around today. I don’t think a doctor can do anything about it.
I am very happy that I found my latest coffee/tea order waiting for me when I arrived home last night. I think I am pretty well stocked for a few weeks or until the next promotional gig comes up. I also had gotten my grocery delivery just about 7 last night. The roasts I just put in the freezer as they are. As well as the fish.
I made myself a grilled cheese sandwich for dinner and about an hour later I finished off the chicken. I had some coffee with it too. I think for tonight I will cook one of the roasts and make sandwiches out of them for the rest of the week or so.
I watched Independence Day last night it was good but I think huge chunks of it were taken out but pieces I may have missed before were included this time. By the time it was over I was on my way to bed.
Tonight I meet with Debra and we will catch up on everything .
Tonight is finish laundry for now..