Saturday Doings

Oct 10, 2015 17:45

Very nice morning after the rain we had yesterday. I have been up since 6 or so. The kitties were fed and I have been splitting my time between the TV and surfing the net.  I have done the grocery shopping and paid some bills.
My next “Big” project is to find a restaurant for Thanksgiving. It will be for Jim and me if he wants to come up. The last conversation we had it sounded like he would come up.  So far I have called 2 restaurants 1 isn’t open and the other is closed until this afternoon.  That makes me think they won’t be open for thanksgiving.
I spent some time cuddling with the kitties specifically Tiger. Unfortunately I keep getting up after a while to do things or get something to eat or drink. Sometimes I feel as though I not giving her enough attention.
The rest of the morning they did their own thing. They got into the catnip and it is all over the floor out back. Tiger was almost sleeping in it and Sky was in the guest room sleeping.  He got up around 4 and started ambling around and meowed.  Then by 5 he switched places with Tiger and sat next to me while I was online and watching the PBS shows.
At one point I fulfilled a promise I had made to my neighbor Kim. She had posted a picture of some dog that was a joke that was looking at its caretaker, owner, and the words “you have been petting the neighbor’s dog. I know she posted as a joke but it was a reminder to me that her dogs were also my god children and did feel as I was ignoring them on some level.
Late in the afternoon one of my DTC members came by to drop of campaign signs. I had a chance to chat with him and his father. This also remind me I still have the minutes to write up and send out.  Not tonight.
I had originally planned on making spaghetti but decided to have one of the lean cuisines. I had it for lunch and since then cleaned the kitchen and still need to finish it. I have to say I am not feeling that great-again.  I think I was having a slight breathing episode but I was fine after a while.
The rest of the night will be quiet..

weekend, activities, life, weather, health, dinner

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