Dear Mom,
I haven’t posted my last letter to you yet. I got very tired and achy last night. I ended up ordering pizza from Domino’s last night and it was very good and in good time. It was a medium size and by the end of the night I finished it.
This morning I was getting ready for bingo but I also did some procrastinating. I went to
Where's George site to see where the dollar bills I got back in change travelled from and the first one was only from West Haven. I haven’t checked where the others went.
I did empty the garbage and the dryer before I left. When I finally did manage to get out of the house I ran into Sylvia and Boppy. I caught up with their lives. I told them what I was up to as well. I think I finally left for Bingo around 9:30.
When I got there I found that Natalie was there for the day. She was writing up an inservice for volunteers regarding transporting residents/patients without the foot rests for the various wheelchairs. If they don’t have them we can’t transport them if they do then we can. From what I gather there was a bit of discourse with staff members. Its basically for safety. All good points. I also reminded Natalie for a list of the Veteran’s for our service on the 8th of November. I also told her we will be arranging our holiday activities soon. As I was leaving the facility I found out that Telka had called me to schedule the activities. It was weird as I had been sharing with Claudia how things were going for Telka on her job. I called Telka back once I had the dates done and we caught up on our lives.
After the call I went over to Liz and Nelson’s. Liz had gone to the theater for the afternoon and Nelson had a few things to do as well. I had the impression neither were going to the church picnic. I dropped off all the medical billing stuff that we got including the latest from Family Care first. I also gave them the second key for Rich’s car. I couldn’t stay long as we both had things to do.
I am happy to report the bag of diapers and depends that has been sitting in my car for the last several weeks has finally been removed and given to the Senior Center. Now if I can get the bag of clothes in the trunk to the Clothes closet for the churches I would be really happy.
After dropping off the adult diapers I went to the store and went shopping. I got pretty much everything on the list and a couple of things that were not. I was back home by 1. After putting the stuff away I went and saw the dalmatians down the street and I ran into Ginny and Boppy.
It was about that time I had lunch. I had a tomato and cheese sandwich. I had noticed that my aches and pains that I had been experiencing seem subside somewhat. I took more tylenol and then after eating i had the plaquenil. I am so relieved and I can’t beleive I didn’t get it them sooner.
I haven’t done much except update calendars and watch the the mini star trek marathon on VH1. I am also starting to doze too. I know i have a few things I need to get done but now i got tired again.
I have no idea what I am having for dinner probably cereal. I really don’t feel like cooking anything anyway.
In the mean time I am going to close out for now...
Love ya!