well i really havent updated since like forever...theres only one reason for that-i lead a boring life.
Food: mandarin oranges
Drink: mountain dew...(code red of course) :)
Song: Im movin on- rascal flatts
Actor: don’t have one really
Actress: eh don’t have one for this either
Clothing Store: old navy
Candy: tootsie rolls
Place: Clearwater FL
Person: many...?
Color: blue and purple
Eye Color: blue
Fruit: oranges and pineapple
Ice Cream Flavor: chocolate
Food: fish
Drink: coffee
Song: rap/ghetto
Actor: eh..dont have one
Actress: I don’t knowww
Clothing Store: hot topic
Candy: snickers
Place: work, definately agree with ya stef
Person: i will be nice...very few know who im thinkin
Color: puke green
Eye Color: that weird yellow/brown contact color or the white ones
Fruit: peaches
Ice Cream Flavor: anything that has like random fruit or something like that, basically anything other than chocolate or vanilla
Held Hands: yes
Hugged: yes
Kissed: mhmmm
Drank Alcohol: yup
Did Drugs: nope
Fought: many a time
Cussed: me cuss what??
Stole: dont think so
Ditched: i may have
Drove: all the time, with a person over 21 :(
Crashed: well if u count runnin into a transformer which was on my side of the car, scary
Broke a body part: nope
Love: ????
Like: ....
Hate: really only one person, the rest i just dont like
Have Fun With: my friends
Admire: lots of people
Tell Everything To: a couple people
Have Most Memoriez With: stef and matt
Care About: everyone
Not Care About: lots of people
last kiss: eh..do i have to remember that...
last cigarette: never have, never will
last good cry: last week I think
last library book checked out: whenever mrs. brothers forced us to
last movie seen: secret window
last book read: huck finn and hatin every minute
last cuss word uttered: somethin when the bus was about to hit me and stef
last beverage drank: crystal light lemonade
last food consumed: chicken casserole..haha stef
last phone call: stef, but before that some crazy woman from elmira college
last tv show watched: general hospital
last shoes worn: target 13 bucks..oh yes
last cd played: relient k
last item bought: hiking boots
last downloaded: dunno
last annoyance: someone....
last disappointment: eh, too many to count
last soda drank: code red
last thing handwritten: review assignment for math
last word spoken: eat
last sleep: this mornin
last im: nikki bailey, random
last weird encounter: i think ollie in the hall
last amused: pat
trippin on drugs?: haha that came out a nowhere
last time wanting to die: not sure
last time in love: dont know
last time hugged: today
last time scolded: few days ago
last chair sat in: the one im in now
last lipstick used: dont use lipstick
last shirt worn: old navy fleece
last time dancing: earlier today
last poster looked at: none
1 MINUTE AGO: typing answers
1 HOUR AGO: makin dinner
1 DAY AGO: school, like i said boring
1 WEEK AGO: dont remember
1 YEAR AGO: same things as now
1. What do you most like about your body? nadda
2. And least? everythinggg
3. How many fillings do you have? 3, stupid candy
4. Do you think you're good looking? ha
5. Do other people tell you that you're good looking? no?
First job: lifeguard
First screen name: kate1d4
First funeral: grandpa
First pet: big black dog named beaulah
First piercing/tattoo: ears
First credit card: none
First Kiss: eh im gonna keep that answer
First one that mattered: ?
First love: ?
First enemy: probably sam or her sister
First big trip: florida
First concert: randy travis with my mom
First musician you remember hearing in your house: eh? we listen to alot of mucis