first day back to school, what can i say, it was....the usual. (kinda) it was nice to see everyone again, although i dont think i actually started functioning until like 3rd block because that was when i was waking up over break. My break was good, went to visit some of the family, which was kinda awkward since we only see them once a year. then on saturday the most awkward thing dad went to get a shirt from his dresser and there was a brand new tshirt, freshly folded and placed there since laundry was put back, and he had no idea where it came from. I didnt put it in there, his girlfriend didnt put it in there, no one. Kinda freaky since it had been one year since his sister had died, to the day, and earlier that week we went to visit my great grandparents graves. It was kinda freaky, yet at the same time i love the unexplainable events that happen in the past couple of months. If anyone has some type of solution to the mysterious t-shirt "case" it would be nice to know what other people think.
by the way...did anyone else notice that the lawn mower man upgraded from a riding lawn mower to a type of covered cart thing??