Feb 25, 2005 14:07
i stole this from britt who stole it from someone else.. yea im a loser..
::What is your full name: Kate Elizabeth Rousseau
::Nicknames: kate....
::Birth date: march 10 1987
::Where do you live? Naples!!
::What school do you attend? Neumann
::Siblings and their ages? Bobby, 19 Amanda, 13 Chris, 9
::Sex: female
::Righty or Lefty: righty.. way to be
::Hair color: um brown i guess
::Eye color: green
::Height: 5'3
::Do you wear contacts or glasses? nope but i think i need to
::Do you have any piercings? my ears
::Where do you want more if you do? more in my ears
::Do you have a tattoo? nope but i want one
::Do you wear any rings? oh yea im like mr.t bitch
::Do you have a certain fashion you follow? not really.. i just wear whats comfortable
>>>Just Lately<<<
::How are you today? fine and dandy
::What pants are you wearing right now? my plaid holister capri's
::What shirt are you wearing right now? my jesus shirt
::Where did you just come from? Mama Mia's
::What does your hair look like at the moment? Um hm the way it always does?
::What song are you listening to right now? Millencolin
::What was the last thing you ate? pizza
::How is the weather right now? gross
::Last person you talked to on the phone: bobby
::Last Dream you can remember: i was falling
::Who are you talking to right now? myself.. cause im cool..
::What time is it? two eleven pee em
::What are the last four digits of your phone number? 8039
::If you were a crayon, what color would you be? brown
::Have you ever almost died? OMG YEA TWICE TODAY
::How do you eat an Oreo? In a blizzard from dairy queen
::What makes you happy? food lol i sound like a fat kid
::What's the next CD you are going to buy? hmm i dont have money
::What's the best advice ever given to you? "omg never do that again" AMEN
::Have you ever won any special awards? well seeing how im me..
::What are your future goals? party hardy
::Do you like to dance? oh yea i can bust a move
::Worst sickness you ever had? um nothing really
::What's the stupidest thing u've ever done? LOL EVERYONE KNOWS THAT
::What's your favorite memory? middle school
::If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? nothing i am perfection
::Where do you shop the most? TARGET
::How many kids do you want to have? I dont think i want any.. but probably 2
::Son's name? Constantine
::Daughter's? Kate.
::Do you do drugs? all the time. . . .
::Do you drink? yea just a little bit lol
::What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use? pantene pro-v baby
::What sport do you hate the most? running. is that a sport?
::What are you most scared of? the dark
::Do you have your own phone line or cell phone? cell phone
::Do you sleep with a stuffed animals? yep
::Who do you tell your dreams too? my mom
::Who's the loudest friend you have? i dunno i dont have friends
::Who's the quietest friend? again.. i dont have friends
>Misc. Stuff<<<
::Is cheerleading a sport? no
::Do you have a crush? yup
::Who is your crush? well..
::Do you believe in Love at first sight? yep
::What song do you want played at your wedding? i'd stop the world
::What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? smile
::Longest crush? hmm i have liked so many people but probably kurtis
::Do you find yourself attractive? hell yea im hot
::Do you find yourself ugly? nope
::Do others find you attractive? they better
>>>Which Is Worse<<<
::Making out with Boy George or Rob Zombie? Boy George
::Having your tonsils or appendix removed? appendix i have my tonsils removed
>>>This Or That<<<
::Lights on/off?: on
::Do you like snow, sun or rain? snow
::Mickey D's or BK? Wendys
::Do you like scary or happy movies better? happy
::Backstreet Boys or NSYNC? BSB
::On the phone or in person? in person
::Paper or plastic? paper
::Sausage or pepperoni? pepperoni
::Summer or winter? winter
::Hugs or kisses? kisses.. i hate hugs
::Chocolate or white milk: i dont like milk
::Root Beer or Dr. Pepper?: Dr. Pepper
::Glass half full or half empty: half full
::CD or Tape: cd
::Tape or DVD: tape
::Cats or Dogs: cats
::Mud or Jell-O wrestling: jello
::Vanilla or Chocolate: vanilla
::Skiing or Boarding: skiing
::Day or night: night
::Cake or pie: cake
::Silver or gold: gold
::Diamond or pearl: pearl
::Sunset or sunrise: sunset
::Color: pink
::Food: pizza
::Fast Food: taco bell
::Beverage: diet pepsi
::Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate Chip COokie Dough from Baskin RObbins
::sport: volleyball
::Animal: cat
::Type of music? everything
::Radio Station: 103.9
::Song: Fox by Millencolin
::Band: Blink 182
::Number: 6
:Actor or actress? Josh Hartnett
::day of the year? CHRISTMAS
::month? march
::Store: abercrombie
::Scent: lucky
::Game: Dance Dance Revolution LOL
>>>Have You Ever<<<
::Loved someone soo much it makes you cry? no
::Smoked? yep
::Drank? yep
::Broken the law? yea
::Stole something? lol yea..
::Tried to kill yourself? def. not
::Made yourself throw up? i cant throw up.. no gag reflexes
::Been in love? i think so
::Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? yep