First I want to welcome all new members and followers. I hope you enjoy your stay here and I hope you also find it somewhat entertaining.
The Episode discussion for Engaged Part 1 on the CBS Yahoo Group was reaching levels of Heated levels so much so that Administration asked that it be taken off the list and into private emails and to discuss something else. It was over the same things. Some people feel they have a right to constantly complain about things. Well good. I constantly want to say I don’t like LT Col Mann. She was pushy abusive of power and took away from my enjoyment of the show. How many freaking times am I going to say it? On forums I am not sure. It depends on the mood I am in. Well the moderators need to look at the postings before they let them through. I know there were many that I have posted that were arbitrarily not sent through. That’s one of the reasons I left the group the first time because I got into an argument with one of the moderators who I feel was abusing his status. Believe me I learned some things since then.
The discussion at
navy_ncis community was going fine. That’s until the next poster needed to be rude with (or sarcastic with) me. It was in reference to the fact they don’t think the production listens to the NCIS advisor. You can see the discussion I think. We don’t have the right to tell the cast and crew how to do their jobs when they spend 14 hours on the set. If the set advisor feels he is not being listened to then I am sure he can walk. But if the people are looking for documentaries then please by all means go to Discovery channel or any numerous channels. IF the show ain’t working for you then you need to find something else. God knows I have done it. That’s one of the reasons I have stayed away from the soaps, Psych, Monk, and numerous other shows.
Also should tell you there is a vid of Michael WEatherly doing behind the scenes for CBS Watch Photo shoot.