Title: Daggers to the Heart
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Word Count: 250
Notes: Round 3 Challenge #4 - It seems to me that love is everywhere. - written for
dramione_ldws Daggers to the Heart
Synonyms, alike in so many fervent ways, but each word necessary to describe the way he kissed her. I watched him snake his hand around her waist, give her the infamous smirk, and then press his lips against hers with unbridled passion. Her arms went around his neck then, like I always imagined mine would if I were in her position, and her eyes fluttered shut as she melted into his body.
I watched the whole thing, stunned, and in my mind it was easily the longest kiss in the history of ardent kisses. In actuality, it was only half a minute. I counted every single, painstakingly slow second like each was a dagger to my heart.
I had waited so long for him to kiss me like that - slow, sweet, and smoldering - but I knew my waiting was all for naught. He had never felt the same about me as I’ve felt about him, with the exception of when we were children and we hated each other equally. Three years, however, working closely together in one of the most difficult jobs in the Wizarding world - curse breaking - I found myself falling head over heels in love with him, Draco Malfoy.
Unfortunately, to him - though I’ve hoped and prayed he would see me differently - I am still just Hermione Granger, dear and trusted friend.
His next words broke into my tormented thoughts, “To me, you are perfect.”
She smiled and my heart broke into a million pieces.