Good bye Cape Cod

May 24, 2008 00:03

So it is my last night at home for the summer. I have mixed feelings. I'm really going to miss Josh and Kirsten while I'm gone, but, just being at home with both my mom and brother has already made me see that I just can't stay here, despite only seeing them for a few days. I just snap at the simplest things. For example, a glass fell from the counter and broke when I was cleaning up and usually I don't give a shit, but being home makes me so irritated that I just exploded and starting cussing out about everything and Nate was just like 'whoa'.

So yeah, it is time to move on or someone is going to get hurt...

I saw the new Indiana Jones movie. It was good, had the same feel as the first three, though the old ones were better of course.

And in complete randomness

I think that if I ever become a psycho, murderer with aspirations for world domination, it can only be blamed on circumstance. I am a Booth and an Oswald, both of whom murdered presidents (if I'm related of course), I'm an Aries which is supposed to be all fiery and stuff like that (not to mention both Hitler and Napoleon were as well) added with a dragon, which is basically the same as Aries so it's a double wammy on that one. So yeah, don't blame me for whatever I may do >.>
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