Feb 22, 2013 08:27
So last night was fun.
The Bean threw up in the most spectacular manner. No seriously, I have never seen anything like it...he is like a human landmine. I don't even know where he stores all that vom, it should be physically impossible. And he always throws up in the most annoying places, like last night it was down a counter, around some chairs and over a door.
* Applauds the Bean for making it even grosser to clean up*
And then the Bug spent the whole day in denial that she had suddenly, and miraculously acquired a fringe over night.
Finally I got her to admit that, after practicing on Rapunzel, she had decided to try out her leet skills on herself and give her self a new do.
Ta da, fringe!
And then hides the hair behind her dolls house.
Who ever gave her the scissors....just no.
This is my daughter, you do not give her sharp pointy things. Ever.
One more day before the weekend when I get to leave the house and escape!
Tonight John is away at the pub for a bit for some farewell do with a work mate, I get to shove hot dogs down the kids throats while I wonder what the hell I'm going to eat for dinner (Yey canned soup) and then contemplate just how the hell I'm going to afford everything I need to afford this month.
Its new school uniform time.