What was I supposed to be doing? Hmm... Oh! Writing a novel. That's it!

Feb 07, 2011 22:48

Word of the Day

Desideratum: \ dih-sid-uh-RAY-tum; -RAH- \ , noun; plural desiderata 1. Something desired or considered necessary.

Today, Kathy, be prepared. A longtime dream regarding your career may finally become a reality. At first you might tend not to believe it, fighting the news in order to avoid possible disappointment. Don't fall into this trap - it creates negative energy that can get in your way. You've worked hard to be where you are, and you're not likely to stop advancing. Accept your accolades, thank everyone, and then move on. ~MSN

Photo of the Day

by Mark Harmel

Song of the Day

image Click to view

Hey! Tomorrow's Tuesday.

Good to know 'cause Monday kicked me arse.  (When I'm exhausted I tend to speak with a cockney accent wtf.)


of the day ...

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