Watch out he don't fall on you ...

Feb 04, 2011 11:18

Word of the Day

Effluvium: \ ih-FLOO-vee-uhm \ , noun; 1. A slight or invisible exhalation or vapor, esp. one that is disagreeable

Misinformation is likely to spread like wildfire today, causing a lot of unnecessary upsets either among your neighbors or your colleagues. Don't accept any gossip or rumor you hear at face value, Kathy. Check out the accuracy of the information yourself. If the information does turn out to be false, as is likely, you will feel horrible if you've had any part in perpetuating it. ~MSN

Photo of the Day

Jonathan Canlas Photography

Song of the Day

image Click to view


I wrote a little something this morning.  Then allowed myself to be hypnotized by that fascinating computer version of Mahjong Tiles for ... a freaking hour!  To Do List is a gonner.

My work week begins at 1pm.

Hows y'all?

of the day ...

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