Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: Sushi
It's not really guilt because it's fucking SUSHI but I could eat it for three meals a day.
Literary: VC Andrews and Nora Roberts I'm with Kidd on VC...and the shower massage. ;-) As for Nora, her triologies are often about women, romance, and magic - sort of like Alice Hoffman lite.Audiovisual: Sex and the City. The Little Match Girl Love. Pure love. Great shoes, great chicks. LOVE. And...the second is an 80s british musical with Roger Daltry. The match girl is a redhead who falls for a hot brit guy. And it's in Victorian England. And the music is slightly silly but I DON'T CARE.
Musical: Country. Living in Davie has finally rubbed off.
Celebrity: Gossip I love celeb gossip. Love...especially the international fabulousness of Brangelina.
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twinfriend to complete this same Quiz, Its