Next Adventure!

Feb 26, 2010 22:51

Well! I am getting ready to move on the the next city! Well more of a village, but I am sooo happy! This week the Christians were pushing me to my limit. Maybe it was because Olivia was gone all week so I didn't have someone to vent to but I needed to get away from David for a while. Which is why I ducked out of 3 hour church today and went to my restraunt in Thamel. Its just everything he does, like asking me to put up pictures that the kids drew on the wall. Now I thought this was a great idea! and I got excited and started showing him the work that the kids were making. Typical stuff that 9 year olds would draw, superhero,s aliens or their friends. David looks at them for a while and say "....maybe some better quality pitures."
I will NOT be sharing any of the kids pictures with him.

Then the other day I explained to the man who owns an orphanage what the concept of adoption is. He had never heard of the concept and asked me how much people would pay for this. I was a tad horrified and told him I didn't know becuase I don't own an orphanage and that all I know is that it is a great way for the kids to find families to take care of them. I realize it's not a done deal, and that it is very difficult but I was just shocked that he had never considered it as an option. Then there is the constant hints for me to donate them money. He was like " a mere 1500 dollars will buy us a car that the kids can all fit into". It was probably this ontop of all the christian lectures, especially one on marraige that drove me to say "I don't think I believe in mairrage. But that doesn't mean I won't have kids!"
Soo now David and all of them are at church praying for me and my damned soul and I am in Thamel with my free wifi and i am happy as a clam!
So now that I got that out of my system, I will list off what I will miss about my Kathmandu home. I will miss Suresh and Songita. My friends that I made here. They are 21 and just love talking about music! Songita just wants to sing "The Bartender" song all the time and Suresh looks through my ipod for Christen music. Alas I have none of that genre. He was very excited when he found Christen Bale. but I told him he was far from a Christian singer and then I told him scene by scene the epic story that is Newsies! Songita calls me her new best friend (I think that is what it says in her phone when I call her) and she just so much fun because she is not like all the Nepaliese girls I have met here. She is goofy and silly and likes to dance (she also cut my hair the other day so I really love her)
Then there is Maria and Meena. Maria is David's wife and Meena is his sister. And at first I didn't think they liked me but the other day they asked me to cook them an american meal and I thought, 1) there is nothing here to cook an american meal 2) You don't want me to cook. So I worked with what I had and I "cooked" them the meal that I loved in college which was bananas covered in peanut butter. This is real American cooking I told them. My "cooking" next to my "american dances" are really going to give them a warped perspective of the US. Anyways, after I served them the meal and tried to explain to them to be careful not to eat too much by telling them about "the freshman fiffteen", Meena and Maria then came into my room...which they never do and asked for more peanut butter. I obviously did not express to them how serious the freshman fifteen were or they just chose to ignore it because now we are out of peanut butter. But they just sat in my room and ate peanut butter, listened to music and played with the very little makeup I brought with me. It was so nice not to see them being so serious and subserviant. I tend to think of these woman as my elders becuase they were forced to grow up so much faster so they seem more like they are 30, so I forget that both of them are my age!
Maria gave me some black liquid eye liner that is suppose to protect my eyes. I wanted to tell her that I can't wear eye liner because i just rub it off and smudge it. But I guess since Demisaw( her 2 month old daugther) can wear it I really should work on this.

Ohh and back to my room. ahhh my room. My peptobismol pink bedroom that has no pictures anywhere except for the one that I face when I am in my bed of Avril Lavigne. Have I not mentioned that EVERYONE loves Avril here. I will see several people walking down one street with an Avril shirts. I don't quite understand why she of all people have clicked here, but she has a small army in the country of Nepal. So I will miss falling asleep to the heavy eyeliner eyes of Avril staring at my as I drift off with the words "I'm not into that gloss stuff. It's soooooo fake." in big bold type. Ohh Avril. You are soo unique!

Then of course I will miss the kids. I love these kids and it will be so strange going to a diffrent orphange and getting use to a whole new group. This is also the smallest orphange apparently that my program offers so i wonder how difficult it will be bonding with the other kids will be when there are 30 instead of the 12 that I had and loved. I just think I have to get use to the fact that not every place will have a bishow who will do something he is so proud of and then run right over to me and hug me with his I'm-so-excited-I'm-going-to-explode-face! And they might not have a Supriya who only wants to hold me hand, sing with me and play the kissing game where she kisses me all over my face for about 10 minutes! Olivia and I are always like "how are we going to live with out all of our hugs and kisses." I am sure that I am going to love the kids wherever I go, but I feel so close with this group, it's going to be hard to leave them. This morning Karouna gave me a hug and asked for me not to go. I almost started to cry and then i said "ahHA you're just trying to get me to smudge my eyeliner aren't you?!" Nice try!
Then I went to my room and cried.

This morning I gave each kid a nice thick pair of socks that they can wear around the house when it's cold (which is all the time) and the were all so cute! If they weren't wearing them right away they would wrap them up in the plastic they came in and just carried them around. I'm trying to buy them a cake before we go cause I like to throw myself going away parties as often as I can. Plus it would be nice to have something besides rice since I have been sick all week due to it. Literally, my body is rejecting rice now! So I'll go for something healthy like cake. But the guy who owns a bakery loves me even though I only come in and buy tea. Everytime I walk in he smiles and yells "Barack Obama!"
Why yes sir. My name is Barack Obama. How did you know. Maybe since I'm the president of the United States I will get a deal on my own going away cake.
You can tell that I am making sure that I will miss all of church which is why this is an especially long post. I guess I better go brave the streets. Right now it's a holy day. But on this particular one people either throw "holy water"( which is just dirty) or bags of paint at you. This is a holiday that no one is Nepal seems to enjoy besides 10- 18 year old boys. Everytime I get hit on the head with a water balloon (which is often since I'm a white girl, I am apparently a walking target) I just yell "who the hell came up with this holiday?!?"
Anyways, I hope you all are well and I miss you all!

Dad the Bob Dylan song you always play me just came on "Don't think back twice, it's all right". Between, the eagles, the Bob Dylan and the Avril Lavigne Nepal agrees with you music wise! Awww Shania Twain just came on too.... I think you would like it here!

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