My first actual update on what is really going on in my life.

Oct 11, 2005 00:29

My computer hates me. It tells me so all of the time. Today I typed my entire discussion brief, however before I could send it my computer ate it. It completely disappeared. Therefore, I am up very late(for me) in the night because I had to retype the entire brief; and now I am wide awake.

On to other news:
I started work at the daycare today. I was in the six week to six month room. I got to play with the babies all afternoon! It was very relaxing to be around those precious little babies, and just what I needed. I've been in such a weird mood lately.
The man finished my room today!!!! I'm finally going to be allowed to unpack all of my things. Maybe I will start to feel normal again when all of my belongings are in the same room.

I'm starting to feel a little tired after all. Not a complete update, but maybe I'll come back more often.
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