Jan 14, 2007 16:02
I'm such an LJ slacker these days. I don't know what happened.
It's been a crazy weekend. Friday was fine. Worked a double. Nothing major.
Saturday was miserable in so many ways. The full story is a very very very long one, but essentially, I got offered a job Friday night to teach an after school French class one hour a week to 10 elementary school students. Um, hello ideal job!!! Sadly, though, the woman who was in charge of putting it together is a throughly disorganized, clueless, and deseparat basket case. She promised me materials she doesn't have and had no idea what the school where I'd be teaching was like or what they expected of me or the class. She just didn't have a clue. So after much consideration, I e-mailed her last night and said I couldn't do it. Not this semester. Not with 3 seriously work-heavy classes and 4-5 cafe shifts a week. Not a chance.
So that was sad/aggravating/angering/disappointing.
In the middle of the day, I went to see Pan's Labyrinth, the Spanish-language fantasy flick that has found its way across the pond.
To its credit, as a cinematic work, it is impeccable. Beautifully acted and crafted and filmed in every way.
However, the storyline will crush your soul. Seriously. Crush it. To smithereens. It's misery. Just when you things can't possible get darker or crueler or heart-wrenching or the bad guys couldn't possibly get more despicable or the good guys couldn't possibly get screwed any harder, it happens. 10 times over. I think the only movie I've ever seen that was more depressing was Schindler's List.
Having said that, if you think you can handle all that, it is a movie worth seeing. That I will never see again. :-P
Then I went to work, where we were one short, so I was doing two people's jobs and dealing with absolute chaos for about 3 hours there. Serioiusly, I almost broke into tears once I got there and saw what I had to work with. Yeesh. Got home around 1am.
Today, I went into work at 10 to host brunch. It was a slow brunch. Work was fine. But my stomach was at it again. I'm still not 100% clear of this bug that hit me on Tuesday. I didn't eat anything till 2:30. So far, the BLT and fries feel OK...
Now I'm catching up with LJ, cheering on the Bears in OT and getting ready to go in for yet another shift. Ladi just called and suggested I catch a standy-by ride on a plane to Austin tonight and join him and his friends for some beer and some pong.
Do you know, if I had anyone to cover my shift tonight, I am not kidding - I would do just that. I wouldn't pack a toothbrush; I would just get in my car and drive to the airport and give it my best shot. It would be AWESOME.