Feb 13, 2005 11:00
Well, went to the Oxford/Cambridge Water Polo match yesterday. Only held in Cmabridge every other year and is a big deal. They're mortal enemies like the Lakers and Kings. Coulda gotten bloody. The girls match sucked major tootie. It was great, cause half the girls on the Cam. team Laurel and I have played and beaten! Woohooo! Go us! The guys match was much better. We saw 3 of our 4 coaches there, and a bunch of guys from the men's team we practice with and they all recognized us and were like, "Hiiiii how are you?!" and it was really cool just to be acknowledged. The guy's match was freakin scary but man those guys were hot. The complex they played in was glass (indoor pool) and all the guys decided to put their cups in on deck, so they turned to put them in, facing the glass so no one could "see." Little did they know everyone could see their reflection. The Cambridge girls lost 11-8, the guys won 13-3. Woohooo! It was great to think we practice with most of the guys on that team and do okay. The refs were idiots, I coulda done a better job than them. And there were a lot of American rooting for Cambridge. I was just like, hey kewl. 'Cept nobody knew anything about the game. It was funny, all the guys came to root for the girls, then left, then the girls showed to root for the guys (don't blame 'em, they were hot!). I felt very sexy in my cargo pants, black shirt and all my gothy-punky jewellry and my bomber's jacket. Auughhhh it's super windy again. I need to ask one of the guys on my team out. Chances are I don't stand a chance though.