I started a new job two weeks ago, and I've found myself with no time to update Livejournal in any substantial way. I'll write all about the job (and the cushy cushy office) in an f-locked post later, but for now I have to say something I never thought I'd say: I'm sick of British accents. Seriously. I know! We're across the hall from the new Osbournes show, and their producers keep running up and down the hall, yelling in their British accents, and I'm actually getting sick of it.
My new laptop is spiffed out! I knew, from the moment I bought an Macbook Pro I wanted to personalize it, because being in an office with twenty of the exact same laptops kinda sucks. So I researched and researched and....
voila!! I love this one so much, even though there were a few runners-up. Course the day after it arrived in the mail I get an email that they've released a
new one which is so cute that I'm grateful it isn't in my size.
I've decided I do not understand people that listen to the radio. Like, at all. I listen to podcasts like everyone else, but for me to turn to KCRW (our local NPR station) and listen to those people talk blandly and without emotion all day.... ugh. The thought is horrifying. Same with regular radio - all those bland rock or pop or rap songs blurring together. I am sad that Indie 103.1 is gone, because that station was my first introduction to LA (in a rental car with no cd's), and it actually played good music. But now that that's gone, I can't imagine why you'd want to listen to music you can't pick. My ipod is 100% filled with songs I love, as is my cd case, while the radio is 99% filled with songs I hate. Why would I chose one over the other?
TV in brief: I watched the pilot of Lie to Me, and I have to say I was extremely underwhelmed. I guessed all the major plot twists before they happened, and their act breaks were the weirdest, most unemotional moments ever. I'm cheering for every new scripted show to succeed, so I have a future to look forward to, but the networks are making it harder and harder to like anything they're airing. Can't wait for Dollhouse! I'm watching Mad Men (apparently I'm the last wanna-be tv writer in LA to do so) and while I'm enjoying it I can't say that I'm hooked. It's extremely well-made and well-written, but I often find myself not particularly caring about any one outcome. Course I've only seen 6 episodes of season one, so we'll see. And last night's Supernatural? Ugh. The world they were visiting was so interesting, and the people they met so fascinating, that the actual plot just continually disappointed me. With a title like "Criss Angel is a Doucebag" I was expecting a much more kick-butt episode.
Also, what if shows like Supernatural, Heroes, Carnivale, etc, have it right, and maybe
a suspected car thief really DID turn into a goat in Nigeria? You never know ;)