Everything before this post was for Ville de Lumiere.
totally OOC rambling here...
I'm still kind of in shock. It's really stupid but I can't seem to stop crying, so if there are stupid typos please forgive me. Also, my brain was completely not working - I took apart Syd's friends list as requested, and mostly took apart Seph's too, but then realized I didn't have a way aside from memory to find out who's OK with being friended by other journals etc... I remember Axelmun had a post about it and I'm going to see if I can find Zellmun's and er *fails hard tonight*.
if anyone else hasn't taken apart their friends list, and happens to see this, and wants to friend each other, I'm
chibirisuchan for fandom stuff (mostly fic). But let me know who you are, because I've got several hundred people who watch me for ficstuff there, and I know character-journal names a lot more than I know player-journal names.
I know there's another game in the making, but even aside from the "my house is literally (albeit thank God very slowly) falling in on me and I'm kinda stressed trying to do something about that" part, I just can't imagine Sephiroth in Lumiere without his Cloud. I mean, I literally can't. The couple times I've tried while making up the friend-remove list (which is what got me going on the crying part), the only thing I could really see him doing was trying to take the place apart in order to find his way back to Cloud and... I just don't want to do that to him. I don't want to play it, I don't want to read it, I want to give them the second-chance happily-ever-after I joined the RP for. So I might watch the new-VDL comm from time to time, but I just couldn't bring Seph into it without Cloud.
I really want to think that in some corner of some quiet little pocket universe, the two of them are happily living above a bar with occasional bakery notions, with a shamrock plant and Aelita's puppy and the quiet, happy, peaceful life their original canon never gave them the chance to have. And Sephiroth will someday get to be scarily good at baking gingerbread cookies, after lots and lots of practice, and Cloud gathers up more children who need homes, and they finish renovating that hotel next door into an orphanage, and. yeah. I really want that for them.
This game has been a huge part of my life for the past year and a half -- even when I've been too busy to keep up I've been watching as much as I could, and I just fundamentally liked the story and the people. It was my first LJ RP and it's taught me a lot about gaming ("omgwtfflail how do you do a combat round without dice?"), humanity (I still don't personally get bad_rpers_suck but I can understand that other people find it therapeutic for an assortment of reasons), and friendship (playing Sephiroth learning about friendship made me ask myself all kinds of questions about different societal norms, and playing with all of you has been an eye-opening experience in how people who don't even know each other but only each other's characters can form all kinds of bonds). I think I'm always going to miss it.
I think I'm going to go get a little drunk now too... ^_^;;;