I've lost track of Zack's sparkle font, and I believe the blink tag to be cruel and unusual punishment to anyone in possession of eyes, so:
If you are in need of information, clothing, food (particularly of the sweet variety), or other relics of daily life, please visit
The Lumiere Yard Sale
Gardenia District
This weekend
[map image here]
And on
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[back of his head Seph is going 'oh shiii--' XD]
[She's being nice and giving *gasp* proper advice! DD:]
In the interest of furthering my understanding, would it be possible to explain what makes the distinction between those for whom dresses are suitable and those for whom dresses are not suitable? I mean, it seems to me that Riku must be comfortable with his garment, since he selected it himself. I'm not certain I follow what makes the difference in regards to suitability, though.
[InnerSeph: '...wait, she's not suggesting that I need to wear a pink rabbit suit and hop everywhere for three days around the wedding? Thank the gods for their infinite mercies!' :D]
As for those differences... well. Dresses are originally meant for ladies, so if a man is to wear one and not look plain out of place, he should be slender-bodied and have some of the traits typically attributed to women, namely concerning behavior. I'm not sure about Cloud-san, but you certainly don't quite fit in that category.
[LOLOLOL. Yuuko still feels a bit guilty for spreading the word about his wedding, so she's trying to redeem herself. =/ DON'T GET TOO USED TO IT, THOUGH.]
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