Dear Yuletide Writer,
Hi! Thanks for writing for me! I'm excited to see what you come up with. If you already have an idea, please feel to run with it. In terms of DNWs, I'd rather not get anything that wouldn't appear in the canon.
Things I like are romance, banter, characters laughing together, cats, books, baseball, hope, missing scenes, future fic, outside POVs, playing with hair, and touching.
You can find past letters and and other Yuletide things under
my Yuletide tag. My
Twitter and
GoodReads are both public. My AO3 name is
Requests are in alphabetical order.
Casson Family - Hilary McKay
Cadmium Casson, Michael
I'd love to get to see some of the events between the fourth and fifth books!
So I read these books for the first time this year and fell hard for Caddy/Michael in the first book. (Loved his fake girlfriend!) And I liked where they ended up, but I wanted to know more about what happened between books four and five!
Clearly she caught up with him and some things happened that wouldn't fit into a children's book series, but . . . they weren't on good terms in book four. And then they weren't on good terms again in book five. So what happened there? Was all forgiven as soon as they met up post-book four? What was the fight over? I want to know more!
If that doesn't spark you, feel free to tell another story about them. Maybe something after book 1 when they're together for the first time? Or more of Caddy's thoughts throughout the series. I feel like we kind of lost track of her after the first book. But look at her! She got the career she wanted. That's awesome! OR more about Michael! We don't really know a ton about him outside his feelings for Caddy. What's his family like? I'd also love future fic. Do they have more kids? What will it be like growing up with Caddy's siblings as aunts and uncles?
Appearances and meddling by other Casson family members is welcome!
President's Daughter series - Ellen Emerson White
Meghan Powers, Preston Fielding
I'd love established relationship fic for these two. Maybe there's a political crisis they have to deal with together. Or maybe one of Meg's brothers gets into some kind of trouble and they help him through it.
I've asked for these two before
here and
here, and I still want all of those things, too, so feel free to draw prompts from there.
This year, though, I also have a craving for established relationship fic. In ten or so years, they'll be a political power couple, right? What does that look like? I mentioned maybe one of Meg's brothers getting into trouble, but it doesn't need to be serious trouble. What if they just do something that gets them extra media attention? Maybe Steven gets drafted by a baseball team. That would be quite a conversation.
I'd also be interested in slice of life fic for them. What do date nights look like? Do they have to duck the media or are have they become a boring established couple the world doesn't care much about? I'd also be interested in seeing them at a family gathering (maybe with Preston's family?).
Mostly, I want a fic that says, "yes, they'll get together and be happy."
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants - Ann Brashares
Paul Rodman, Lena Kaligaris
Remember Paul and Lena’s awesome meeting in book 2? And all their great scenes in book 3? It seemed like it was going to be a lovely story of moving on from your first love and finding a new relationship. But instead, that story thread was completely dropped. It would make me very happy if you gave me a little Paul/Lena! Whether it’s a getting together story or a glimpse of an established relationship, I just want to see what might have been.
I was super-into what book 3 seemed to be selling for Lena and Paul, and then it went away! I don't hate Kostos, but I thought he and Lena missed their chance and grew apart. And that can be a really cool story to tell. People DO move on from the first loves. People change from who they were were at age 15. (So I'm not really looking for a fic that villainizes Kostos. Feel free to ignore everything after book 3!)
So . . . what would it look like if Lena/Paul had happened? How would they get together? What would they look like as a couple? Or maybe a look into Paul's head? Or maybe someone else's perspective on them? Does the Sisterhood think he's a good choice for Lena? Or maybe another moment between the two of them that's full of tension?
Looks forward to December 25,