(He has his kids' names tattooed on his wrists. That's why he kisses them. I love that.)
"Sure, it was unfair to just expect a guy to eventually throw a perfect game or a no-hitter. Perfect games and no-hitters are hard! Felix had made several bids before, but he'd never gotten this far, he'd never gotten to the end, and in an odd and unjust way, we were disappointed. Felix, too. On the one hand, we were all being greedy and presumptuous; on the other hand, it was a testament to Felix's skill. "That guy, right there? He's going to throw a perfect game. You watch. He's overdue." Felix has been the kind of pitcher where you see a game like this coming. The game came."
Jeff Sullivan You know, it's a funny thing I've noticed. He's King Felix to baseball, but he's usually just Felix to us Mariner fans. And we love him. We need him. And he loves us back.