Because of
gysecune, who posted a poll of weirdest pick-up lines from work. I don't remember ever getting hit on at work, lucky me, so instead, this stuff:
Poll weirdest lines from work Weirdest hit-on experience? I can't make a poll because this wins V
I don't even know. This guy was SCARY and offered me a burger from his jacket's inner pocket (where he had about four) and was following me asking for money and spinning a bullshit story, but "You've got a poopy butt!" said like it's meant to be a hit-on-you compliment.
#2?: This guy who looked like an old hobo with missing teeth asked me if he could draw my picture on the bus, and I said sure, I don't care. [Most people would have just drawn without asking permission anyway, if they wanted to.] So he sat by me but only managed to do one eye and eyebrow before he had to get off at his stop; a Wendy's in the middle of one of those streets that's mostly filled with car dealerships and not stores or houses. He hurriedly asked me if I'd get off and have dinner with him at a restaurant (maybe the Wendy's?) so he could finish drawing me. NO, and I had to stay on the bus and go home anyway, so he gave me the picture of my eyebrow and signed it.
#3: On a different bus, some security guard I had never seen before asked for my phone number; he looked 35 and I looked 16 (but dressed for a job interview). (I was maybe 18, I don't remember.)
#4: Following me around without saying anything, staring at me while I was talking to other people, and stroking my arm. Bonus, he was pulling this on another girl at the same time, and he said he liked her more.
#5: Being inexplicably compared to a Taco Bell commercial.
Sadly enough I think well over half ALMOST ALL of my hit-on experiences could go on the list. At least it's entertaining to me later.