for the public...

Nov 16, 2004 21:49

If you were once on my friends list and arent anymore.. I'm sorry, but I really dont think you should be on my friends list unless we talk frequently, or I trust you a lot, or I'm starting to trust you... so, if you wanna get put back on, maybe try and gain my trust? This doesnt mean anything near "I hate you" or "I dont like you." The likelyness is that I dont have any dislike for you at all, I just dont really trust you right now, due to things that have come to my attention, or other things. I do love everyone on my friends list, and those who arent anymore, dearly. <3

Sorry if I'm taking this trust thing I bit far... I know I'm overreacting, but trust is a huge deal for me. and if this doesnt apply to you.. again, ignore it. Sorry for all of you who have you see my over reacting, mean side.
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