Aug 16, 2017 18:32
J - Had a fun day at Cowabunga water park. I went there myself and had a blast, didn't care what anyone thought of me. Spent the morning packing. It felt good to be out. It was a perfect 100F.
E - Didn't want to pay for parking, so I walked to the park, and back and walked up stairs while at the park.
M - B, bullet-proof coffee, L- half an avocado, D - burrito with low carb tortilla and ground beef with mozza. Very good and easy dinner.
S - Even though I ate a little dinner last night as celebration, I'm still going strong with my semi-fast. I'm losing almost a lb a day and my abs look great. I still have a ways to go, but I think I can be 140 by Sept 16 (my wedding)!