Sep 01, 2016 11:43

I'm going to start doing on a daily basis. It's an easy way to keep track of your day.

Journal- what did you do today?Exercise- What exercise did you do today?
Meals- What did you eat?
Successes- What are you proud of?

Starting with yesterday.
J - Moving into the new house, almost finished unpacking, went to IKEA to return some stuff. Got some giftcards at Town Square.
E - Not much, but did walk around IKEA and Town Square. Moved some furniture at night.
M - (b)?? (l) chicken salad, very little chicken, mostly salad (d) one chicken thigh and pan-baked french fries. I did cheat and have half a chocolate cookie. Stole it from DH. Ooops.
S - Lost 3 lbs in 2 weeks. Love it! Love the new house. It's really coming together.


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