A seven page article about trolling. Awesome. There's something I find endlessly fascinating about turning culture into a science.
Times Magazine article, featuring 4chan, Encyclopedia Dramatica, Fortuny, Weev, etc. Also, I got all four of my wisdom teeth out today. Lortab, ibuprofen and penicillin should manage it (assuming I remember when to take them). Incidentally, the pills have also done wonders for my back which has been giving me considerable grief for the last several days. Winner winner chicken dinner.
Today marked the first occasion that I have ever been put under general anesthesia. It was an interesting experience. When the mask was first placed over my face, I began to feel a little light-headed, as though I was breathing too much oxygen. Following the placement of the IV, I became aware of additional effects. I began to feel heavy in my extremities and warm in my stomach. Then I began to feel my vision was becoming hazier even than would be usual for having no glasses on my face. It seemed almost to be tunneling, and the sounds of the adjacent room and then my own room became increasingly distant. I didn't dream at all when I was under. When I woke up, it felt as though no time had passed at all. Truly, it took me a moment to get my bearings upon the fact that I was now four teeth shorter of a full mouth. Most acutely, I remember my mouth and throat feeling very dry and tasting vaguely of vomit.
My face has been puffy and numb all day, but it's almost completely subsided now. Not so bad, thus far. Hopefully we'll keep the swelling under control. We shall see.
I'm hoping to pick up oil painting soon. And by soon, I mean tomorrow. I have the supplies! And now, for the inspiration.
- Jordan